Bible App Developers Face Challenges
Lack of Content in Gateway Languages
The Aquifer provides openly licensed Bibles and Biblical resources translated into many gateway languages.
Content Licenses and Fees
The three license types selected for Aquifer provide free usage without restrictions or licensing negotiations.
Disparate, Often Non-Existent, APIs
The Aquifer is a source of openly licensed, multimodal content from a variety of publishers that is freely available through a single set of APIs.

How the Aquifer Works
Bible App Developers Access Aquifer with APIs
The Aquifer is accessed by apps using Aquifer Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) to easily and quickly pull in Biblical content and present it in chosen languages to users.
The Aquifer Fills Bible Apps with Content
App developers use the Aquifer to fill their own Bible apps with openly licensed, freely available resources in gateway languages.
Bridging the Gap from Language to Love
Using apps that tap the Aquifer for content, the global church can gain a deeper understanding of Scripture, which in turn enables the creation of quality Bible translations in heart languages.
Ready to Take Action?
If you are developing a Bible app, it is time to tap into the Aquifer and be refreshed! Watch the demo video below and complete the form to generate your Aquifer API key.
Aquifer API Demo